Prelatic Church of Opus Dei, it houses the remains of Josemaria Escrivà.
The altar is located under a small canopy, as is the custom in many Roman churches. In the entrance vestibule is a statue of Our Lady, Mother of Beautiful Love. In the vestibule is the baptismal font in which St Josemaría was baptised on 13 January 1902, donated by the Bishop and Chapter of the Cathedral of Barbastro, the saint's hometown.
Buried in the crypt are the first two bishops who succeeded Saint Josemaría at the head of Opus Dei: Blessed Álvaro del Portillo (1914-1994), and Bishop Javier Echevarría (1932-2016).
The first auxiliary numerary of Opus Dei, Dora del Hoyo, was recently buried in the same chapel.
The Founder's sister, Carmen Escrivá, is also buried in the crypt, which also houses the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and various confessionals.
For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.
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