Please check the updated calendar of the events presided over by the Holy Father here:
- Access is free to outdoor liturgical celebrations (in St. Peter's Square, or the Way of the Cross);
- For the celebrations inside the basilica and papal hearings: please send a written request to the: Prefecture of the Papal Household - 00120 Vatican City State, Fax: +39 06 6988 5863
- Date of the General audience or Liturgical celebration
- Number of tickets required
- Name / Group
- Mailing Address
- Telephone and Fax numbers
The Prefecture will respond in writing only to those resident outside Rome, by fax or normal post (not by E-mail). Important Notice: TICKETS ARE ENTIRELY FREE and can be picked up at the ticket office located just inside the Bronze Door (by the right colonnade of St. Peter’s Square) at the following times:
For GENERAL AUDIENCES: from 15:00 to 19:30 on the preceding day or on the morning of the audience from 8:00 to 10:30. For LITURGICAL CERIMONIES: on the preceding day or according to prior notification.
For more info, please contact the Prefettura Pontificia, tel. +39 06 69883114 (9.00 am - 1.30 pm)
Calendar of events presided over by the Holy Father