Around the end of C. XVIII Luigi de León founded the Order of the Agostiniani Scalzi Spagnoli in Spain. In 1619 the latter created a hospice in Rome who was then annexed to the oratory in 1652. In 1667 the oratory was removed and swapped with a church planned by G. Paglia and built in honor to SS. Ildefonso and Tommaso da Villanova. The facade, raised between 1724 and 1730 by Francesco Ferrari in baroque shapes, presents two orders articulated into pilaster strips. In the lower part the entry portal opens with sided by two niches. All of this is crowned by a tympanum with a decorated oculus in the middle. The interior has a single nave and two chapels. Great attention should be given to the marble bas-relief “Natività” by Francesco Grassia (after 1667) located onthe first altar to the right.
For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.
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