The Carlo Bilotti Museum, in the old Orangery of Villa Borghese, hosts Natura Umana, the solo exhibition of the Roman artist who, through constant research, investigates individual emotions, impulses and states of mind regarding contemporary life.
On display is a selection of sculptures created over 15 years, which, with a few exceptions in stone and metal, are mainly made of wood, in black and white, occasionally allowing the natural colour of the material to emerge. Firm and simple, solid and delicate, Paolo Di Capua's artworks are born from a masterly removal process: decisive cuts, sometimes wild, others slightly outlined, give life to the form, which emerges primordial and noble.
The free exhibition winds through several halls and, between harmony and contrasts, accompanies the public in an evocative experience through the essence of human nature. In the Project Room, you can admire the two large drawings on wood, entitled Umana assenza, from 2019/21, and Come fosse casa vostra (2022), which can be viewed both from the outside and the inside. In the corridor, the series ho messo Bianco su bianco from 2018, that is, ho scritto a chiare lettere, invites the observer to read through the shadows.
In the other three rooms, the recent reliefs entitled Riflessi interni and the installation + di 1 Luna x Volta, whose pieces moved by the visitors will change the composition of the work, both dedicated to fickleness and reversal, are on display. Following are a relief from the series Natura Umana (2018), the two jutting structures - Scudo accogliente (2005) and Tensione dell'arco (2005) - two pagine strappate (2024), the diptych Altre prospettive (2018), two works from the series Stabbed soul (2007) and Cattedrale abbandonata (2010), the wood and stone model that closes the exhibition.
Curated by Mario de Candia, Paolo Di Capua. Natura umana is promoted by Roma Capitale, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.
Photo: Umana Assenza n.1 2019-21, acrylic, charcoal and pencil on panel, cm 185x250
Dal 9 maggio al 15 settembre 2024
Dal martedì al venerdì 10.00-16.00
il sabato e la domenica ore 10.00 - 19.00
24 e 31 dicembre ore 10.00-14.00
Ultimo ingresso mezz'ora prima della chiusura
Giorno di chiusura