It is annexed to the Agostiniane’s - known as Orsoline - monastery on via della Vittoria. They were both built by Camilla Orsini Borghese and bought via Laura d’Este’s bids, duchess of Modena, in 1638. Clemente XIII had the church restored and refined, but Benedetto XIV had it rebuilt with the actual shapes. The interior is rich of stuccoes; some frescoes at the high altar are by the famous jesuit painter Pazzi, also author of the frescoes in the chapel of S. Agostino and that on the vault representing S.Orsola’s martyrdom. Since 1935 the church is the seat of the Teatro Nazionale dell'Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica. The monastery is the seat of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
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