On the square bearing the same name is the Church of San Giovanni Bosco built by Rapisardi. The façade embodies the opening of a portal with three fornices: the middle one is surmounted by a big alto-relievo (the Patron Saint among Angels and Youngsters) by Arturo Dazzi, while the side ones frame the statues of the Archangels Gabriel and Michael by Ercole Drei; in the niches are the statues of San Francesco di Sales, Pius IX and Pius XI. Under the porch are the five bronze doors: the middle one is adorned by basreliefs by Federico Papi, while the extreme ones are surmounted by the bronze statues of the Redeemer and St John Baptist by Attilio Selva. The dome is supported by Arabic pink marble pilasters on which the Via Crucis stations have been placed. The high altar hosts a small altar piece made of lapislazuli and an amethyst tabernacle; the Cross made of soldered silver, the Rays, the Angels and the bronze candelabra are by Pericle Fazzini. On the bottom of the nave one may admire the mosaic by Brancaccio, Glory of San Giovanni Bosco; the reliefs (life scenes of the Saint) to the mosaic’s sides are by Monteleone, Venturini, Nagni and by Ludovico Consorti.
Holy Mass timetable
Weekdays: 7:30, 9:00, 18:00 (standard time), 18:30 (daylight saving time)
Saturdays (and public holidays): 18:00 (standard time), 18:30 (daylight saving time)
Sunday (and holidays): 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30 (suspended July and August), 18:30, 20:00
Times may be subject to change, so it is recommended to contact always the Basilica
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