Located in via della Reginella, in the heart of the ancient Jewish Ghetto, this museum is a small jewel dedicated to the 20th-century culture, born in 1995 from the passion of Giuseppe Casetti.
Behind the playfully high-sounding name, there is a space outside the traditional cultural and commercial schemes: art gallery, antique bookshop, photographic archive and, above all, a wunderkammer, a chamber of wonders keeping culture, curiosity, emotions, memories.
The shelves, walls, drawers and showcases overflow with works of various kinds - rare books, periodicals, art catalogues, original posters, ex libris, postcards, autographs, letters, notebooks, drawings and paintings - precious attestations of culture from the 20th century.
The images collection is very rich and currently boasts about 140,000 photographs, almost all vintage print. It includes about 150 albums with the original IMDL photographic prints and works by artists such as Francesca Woodman, Luigi Veronesi, Victor Chambi, Ghitta Carrel, William Klein, Ernst Haas, Sam Levin, Federico Patellani, David Seymour, Ugo Mulas, Mario Schifano, Luxardo, just to name a few.
The careful research work on vernacular photos, the images taken by ordinary people or by amateurs in everyday life, has given life to an original and extraordinary collection, one of the uniqueness of the museum: from the African colonies to the Spanish war, from the parish football to Sunday outings, from the village festivals to groups of schoolchildren. And again, landscapes, weddings, births, birthdays, games, sports, houses, cars, ships and planes, fashion, portraits, nudes.
From the daguerreotype of the 19th century to the polaroids of the '70s, from the photo with silver salts to the burnt shots of the '80s, from the passport photo to the film sets, family albums and moments of life immortalised in suggestive vintage photos becoming historical testimonies and artworks.
Photo: il museo del louvre Official Website
From Monday to Saturday
From 11.00 to 14.00
From 14.30 to 19.00.

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