Antica Cartotecnica | Turismo Roma
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Antica Cartotecnica

Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica
Antica Cartotecnica

Collections of Beautiful Writing

The walls and windows of the Antica Cartotecnica recount a story of true passion. They are embellished with rare fountain pens, pens for everyday use, fine leather goods, instruments from the past – such as old triangles and wooden drafting tables – ink bottles each different from the next, old pencils carefully stored in their boxes, old-fashioned pens, ink blotters, not to mention typewriters from every era.

In the 1930s, Elisa Berti, grandmother of the current owner Alessandro Billi, worked as an employee at SACE Cartoleria Esperia, a stationery warehouse that supplied ministries, public offices, and schools. In a time when digital technology was just science fiction, the smell of paper and ink reigned supreme. When the old owner had to sell the business, Elisa took it over under the name Cartotecnica Commerciale, along with two employees, and she later kept part of it for herself. Her sons, Paola and Giovanni, started working with her in the 1950s, focusing their attention on writing instruments. The family’s dedication and experience were already recognized by both professionals and artists, such as Eduardo De Filippo and Renato Rascel, who chose to buy their writing accessories from the shop because they were certain of finding the most refined paper and the best pens.

Since the 1990s, the shop has been run by Alessandro, who since he was a child, spent his afternoons in this magical atmosphere of paper, pens, and pencils, which is still exactly the same today. His detailed and passionate knowledge makes it possible for him to offer his customers exclusive niche products, such as Antica Cartotecnica’s own brand of bags and notebooks, made entirely in Italy, also with custom designs on request.

But the thing that makes Antica Cartotecnica absolutely unique, is its continuous search for collector's items, extremely rare objects which enthusiasts all over the world go crazy about, and thanks to e-commerce, they are able to glimpse inside this tiny museum.

Alessandro puts his heart and soul into his shop, so much so that he almost suffers every time he has to let go one of these rarities, and he tries to only entrust them to those who are truly passionate.

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POINT (12.47582 41.898333)

For opening and closing times, please contact directly the shop.

06 6875671
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Antica Cartotecnica, Piazza Dei Caprettari , 61
Piazza Dei Caprettari , 61
41° 53' 53.9988" N, 12° 28' 32.952" E

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