The large Sala Studio, designed by Zaha Hadid and located at the end of Gallery 1, offers the public monographic and thematic exhibitions that, in rotation, exhibit original drawings and models from the architecture collections, in addition to the scientific and educational activities hosted in the Museum’s other spaces and library (MAXXI RESEARCH).
The Centro Archivi is an experimental workshop that, together with traditional activities of conservation, restoration and cataloguing, is also actively involved in innovative research and experiments and activities of promotion and education, curating educational projects and events correlated with the mission of the MAXXI Architettura department.
Inside the Sala Studio visitors can access detailed information about a vast quantity of documents relative to Italian architecture and urban planning. This vast “virtual” heritage belongs to the network created by AAA/Italia, the national association of archives of contemporary architecture, which works to valorise and disseminate the documentation of architectural culture from the recent past and present.
Tue-thu 11.00-16.00
only by appointment

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