The permanent exhibition dedicated to the Universal Genius, Leonardo da Vinci, set up in via della Conciliazione, a few steps from St. Peter’s Basilica, is a unique opportunity to admire, for the first time together, the faithful reproductions of Leonardo’s 46 machines and 22 paintings. Among them are The Mona Lisa, the Lady with an Ermine, Ecce Homo and the two versions of the Virgin of the Rocks, all recreated in scale 1:1 with the original materials used by the artist.
Through an immersive and engaging journey, you can enjoy an actual multimedia experience among paintings, machines, in-depth thematic projections, holograms and educational audio. On display are five thematic rooms:
1) Hall of the Flight machines and The Last Supper;
2) Hall of war machines;
3) Hall of Perspective;
4) Hall of princes;
5) Hall of paintings.
Three-dimensional images, multilingual projections and panels rich in information accompany the exhibition spaces, machines, and paintings. The reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci's pictorial works were realised by the Bottega Artigiana Tifernate.
Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi
Die Platze Navona
Einer der spektakulärsten Stadtkomplexe des barocken Roms.
Open every day from 9.30 to 19.30
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