Maratona di Roma: record di partecipanti e indotto turistico di 75 milioni | Turismo Roma
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Rome Marathon: record number of participants and 75 million in tourism revenue

Maratona di Roma record di partecipanti e indotto turistico di 75 milioni-Foto: sito ufficiale di Roma Capitale
von 23 März 2025 bis 31 Dezember 2025

Record number of participants in the Rome Marathon, which this year celebrates 30 years of history, a growing success therefore, which has materialized with the participation in the main race of over 28,000 athletes from 120 nations: the Acea Run Rome The Marathon, the largest sporting event in Italy, has registered over 50 thousand official registrations for the scheduled races.

The 30th edition of the Rome Marathon has therefore confirmed itself as an extraordinary event, with economic repercussions for the territory of 75 million euros, an increase compared to the 50 million of 2024.

This year also saw a record number of international participants: 22,000 foreigners, 10,000 more than in 2024. In the competitive race over 42.1 km, the latter were in fact over 60% of the total, confirming the global appeal of the event organized in the name of sustainability.

The official competition saw the success of the Kenyan Robert Ngeno, while in the women's race Betty Chepkwony was the champion twice.

Photo: Rome Capital official page


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Maratona di Roma record di partecipanti e indotto turistico di 75 milioni-Foto: sito ufficiale di Roma Capitale