The freedom to travel, the freedom to document reality, the memory of traditions and social and cultural transformations, using the language of images with intellectual honesty and without censorship. For Nicola Sansone (1921-1984), an exponent of that “Roman band” of reporters that from the 1950s onwards marked a season of great cultural ferment in the sphere of Italian photojournalism, photography was, more than a profession, a choice of life, the search for his own existential identity.
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, and organised by Ma.Co. f - Centro della Fotografia Italiana di Brescia, the retrospective that the Museo di Roma in Trastevere is dedicating to the Neapolitan photographer in the Sale del Pianoforte rooms shows his way of interpreting photojournalism, both abroad, where he carried out numerous reportages, and in post-war Italy, in the countryside, in the suburbs and in the new places of aggregation, also recounting the protagonists and rituals of the political scene and working in Rome as a set photographer at Cinecittà Studios.
The exhibition consists of photographs taken from the 1950s to the end of the 1960s, in America, Japan and, of course, Italy, for a total of about sixty black and white images printed with silver salts on baryta paper.
Photo Nicola Sansone, Italy 1965
Dal 19 febbraio al 6 maggio 2025
dal martedì alla domenica ore 10.00-20.00
ultimo ingresso un'ora prima della chiusura
Giorni di chiusura: lunedì, 1 maggio
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