The maintenance work on the eighteenth-century jewel, carried out by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina as part of the PNRR Caput Mundi intervention programme, has been completed and one of Rome's symbolic areas has returned to the Romans and the tourists who love it and visit it in great numbers every year.
The work was carried out to counteract the degradation, the cause of the formation of biological patina, infesting vegetation and limestone deposits on the parts most vulnerable to contact with water.
In three months and with a cost of 327,000 euros, the restorers have cleaned in particular the stone surfaces of the cliff and the area between the edge of the pool and the access steps, repaired the grouting in various areas of the fountain to maintain its structural and aesthetic integrity, and waterproofed the pool.
Acea, on the other hand, worked on the entire recirculation system to optimise water circulation.
New opening hours and visiting modes
In order to avoid the usual overcrowding that has often hindered the optimal viewing of Nicola Salvi's magnificent work of art, the Trevi Fountain will be accessible in a new way.
The flows will be managed strategically, to ensure adequate enjoyment of the fountain and to prevent uncontrolled human traffic at all hours of the day and night from damaging the delicate materials that make it up.
Approximately 400 people at the time, will be able to access the fountain from the central staircase and then exit through the opening of Via dei Crociferi, on the left side of the monument, every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (last access at 8.30 p.m.); on Mondays and Fridays from 12 noon to allow for coin collection operations; every other Monday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. for emptying and cleaning the basin. Free access from 9 p.m.
You will be able to circulate freely in the fountain's basin area, but you will not be allowed to sit on the edge of the basin, eat, drink or smoke.
Zètema Progetto Cultura personnel devoted to reception and security will be present at the entrance, exit and inside the monument.
The QR code on the information panels at the entrance and on the totems on the sides of the square will provide historical information about the fountain.
Photo: Roma Capitale


The most famous of the Roman fountains: a jewel of water and stone
Galerie Alberto Sordi (Früher) Colonna

Via del Corso