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Lights on Maxentius

Luci su Massenzio - Foto: sito ufficiale dei Musei in Comune

The Lights on Maxentius event, curated by Ersilia Maria Loreti, Francesca Romana Cappa and Zètema Progetto Cultura, shows the public the beauty of the monumental complex, both in the sunlight and in the reflections of artistic lighting.

In fact, starting from sunset, when the Villa of Maxentius is surrounded by lighting, three specialized guides located in the key points of the monument, illustrate the history of the great villa of the late imperial age in Italian, English and Italian sign language.

The imposing villa of Emperor Maxentius – the historic opponent of Constantine the Great in the famous battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. - which extends across a large area between the second and third mile of the ancient Appian Way, is considered one of the most beautiful archaeological sites in the Roman countryside. The complex consists of three main buildings: the palace, a circus - the only one of the Roman circuses still well preserved in all its architectural components - which could host over 10,000 spectators and at the centre of which was placed the reused Obelisk of Domitian by Bernini in his Fountain of the Rivers, and the mausoleum, a circular building, closed inside a quadriportico, dedicated to Romulus Augustus, the son of Maxentius dead very prematurely.

The new artistic lighting system, inaugurated as part of the celebrations for the 2777th Christmas of Rome, makes it possible to enhance the splendor of the remains of the imperial palace, the circus and the dynastic mausoleum even in the evening.

Photo credits: courtesy of the Municipality of Rome official site


29 Juni 2024
POINT (12.518077 41.854594)
Web site:

Sabato 29 giugno 2024
Le tre postazioni didattiche, dislocate nei punti chiave del complesso monumentale sono operative dalle ore 19.00 fino alle 21.30. Ultimo ingresso alle 21.30 con chiusura alle 22.00
In italiano e in inglese

Si specifica che il sito è aperto dalla mattina alle 10.00 alle 22.00

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Luci su Massenzio, Via Appia Antica, 153
Via Appia Antica, 153
41° 51' 16.5384" N, 12° 31' 5.0772" E

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