Since 1974, the Academy of France in Rome - Villa Medici has welcomed filmmakers or screenwriters (Clément Cogitore, Mitra Farahani, Benjamin Crotty, Thomas Salvador, Nora Martirosyan, Xavier Beauvois, Rémy Belvaux...) and artists making short and long films (Éric Baudelaire, Valérie Mréjen, Lola Gonzàlez) among its scholarship holders. Since the early 2000s, the Villa Medici has been promoting filmmaking and its history through programming initiatives such as Cinemondo, Re | visioni and Cinema all'aperto.
For more than a decade, the contacts between cinema and contemporary art have continued to intensify and to stimulate new film writing. Villa Medici's role is to make the arts dialogue and explore these new territories of creativity.
For the timetable of the events and the access conditions, please contact directly the structure.

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