The Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone hosted once again this year the Live Communication Week, a meeting and business platform for event and communication professionals that unites BEA Italia (the Italian festival of events and live communication) and the BEA World Festival Experience. Part of the “Roma Smart Tourism” project, promoted by Roma Capitale with funding from the Ministry of Tourism, the event organized by the ADC Group in partnership with the Department of Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion registered record numbers in its 2024 edition (27-29 November), with 299 projects registered at BEA Italia and 436 at BEA World.
A confirmation of the increasingly important role played by the events and live communication sector in Italy comes from the market outlook: according to research carried out by AstraRicerche and presented during Live Communication Week, investments are expected to reach 1.18 billion euros over the next two years. At the BEA Italia awards ceremony, broadcast live streaming on the Roma Capitale website, the “Ferrari 12 Cilindri World Première & Miami Program” signed by The Next Event - The Next World | NEXT GROUP took the top step of the podium for the Grand Prix 2024 . The silver and bronze medals went respectively to the “Aperol Redentore” event realized by 2night and Artech of Italy and the Première event “Tutta la luce che non vediamo” signed by YAM112003 for Netflix, hosted at the MAXXI museum. Among the other events that took place in the city in 2024, “Rome World Capital of Philosophy: the XXV World Congress of Philosophy & the festival Filosofie sotto le stele”, organised by Triumph Group International & Zètema Progetto Cultura took second place in the Congresses and Conferences sector, while the Rome Marathon was awarded as the best Italian sports event.
For BEA World, the Grand Prix went to the Netherlands with “For Every Golden Moment”, the event by WINK Creative Experiential. Italy took second and third place with the “Amerigo Vespucci World Tour 2023 -2025” by the agency Ninetynine for the client Difesa Servizi and the “Festino di Santa Rosalia 2024”, organized by Balich Wonder Studio for the Municipality of Palermo. Iconic Award Grand Prix ex aequo to “Opening Ceremony - Paris 2024 Paralympic Games” and the “Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games of Paris 2024”, both by Paname 24.