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Miércoles 01 Mayo 2024  -  Domingo 30 Junio 2024
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Format: 06/28/2024
Format: 06/28/2024

The Italian Republic was born on 2 June 1946, when a universal suffrage referendum (which also marked the entry of women into Italian political life) was held to choose the institutional form to be

Il pubblico alle Terme di Caracalla_ph Fabrizio Sansoni-Opera di Roma 2023
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

The legendary Italian singer arrives at the evocative Baths of Caracalla for an extraordinary con

Terme di Caracalla ph Fabrizio Sansoni - Opera Roma
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

The evocative Baths of Caracalla host the famous Italian singer-songwriter, who performs in an ea

John Legend
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

The iconic American singer-songwriter arrives at the evocative Baths of Caracalla for

WEmbrace Games 2024. In viaggio verso la Paralimpiadi di Parigi 2024
Viale dello Stadio dei Marmi

The traditional appointment that breaks down people's physical and psychological barriers, organised by Bebe Vio Grandis' art4sport Association, returns to the

Ariete ph. Auditorium Parco della Musica Official Website
Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 30
The Kolors
Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 30

The famous Italian trio returns to the evocative Cavea of the Auditorium Parco d

Terme di Caracalla ph Fabrizio Sansoni - Opera Roma
desde 03-06-2024 hasta 04-06-2024
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

Authentic, refined, intense: Fiorella Mannoia arrives in Rome for two eagerly awaited concerts-events against the majestic backdrop of the

Aqua Film Festival - VIII edizione-Foto: locandina ufficiale dell'Aqua Film Festival
desde 06-06-2024 hasta 08-06-2024
Largo Marcello Mastroianni, 1

The Aqua Film Festival - held at the Casa del Cinema - organized by the non-profit cul

Scudo di Atena Parthenos cd. Stragford Da Atene, Marmo pentelico, III secolo d.C., Londra, British Museum, inv. 1864,0220.18 ©The Trustees of the British Museum
desde 24-11-2023 hasta 09-06-2024
Via delle Tre Pile, 1

The Capitoline Museums, in Villa Caffarelli, host the first prestigiou

RFW 2024
desde 08-06-2024 hasta 10-06-2024
Via Portuense, 1645

Italy is famous for its magnificent history, culture, beauty and an innate sense of elegance.

Otello - Gregory Kunde e Maria Agresta
desde 31-05-2024 hasta 12-06-2024
Piazza Beniamino Gigli, 7

Shows scheduled on various dates - Check the official calendar

desde 07-06-2024 hasta 12-06-2024
Piazzale del Foro Italico

For the third time ever in Italy and 50 years after the 1974 edition of the European Championships, when Italian sprinter Pietro Mennea won the gold medal in the 200 meters in front of a home crowd

Filippo Palizzi, Fanciulla sulla roccia a Sorrento, 1871, olio su tela
desde 27-03-2024 hasta 16-06-2024
Via 24 Maggio, 16

The Scuderie del Quirinale presents Napoli Ottocento, a tribute

desde 10-06-2024 hasta 16-06-2024

Rome hosts the second edition of Corpo Libero - Festa della Danza di Roma, the event promoted by Roma Capitale and the Department of Cultural Activities, with the collaboration of

Terme di Caracalla ph Fabrizio Sansoni - Opera Roma
desde 18-06-2024 hasta 21-06-2024
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

The great Roman singer-songwriter takes the stage at the Baths of Caracalla for three unmissable

Foto: Katsushika Hokusai, La [Grande] Onda presso la costa di Kanagawa dalla serie Trentasei vedute del monte Fuji 1830-1832, Silografia policroma ©Courtesy of Museo d’Arte Orientale E. Chiossone
desde 20-02-2024 hasta 23-06-2024
Piazza di San Pantaleo, 10

The exhibition at the Museum of Rome Palazzo Braschi with the suggestive title Ukiyo-

Vinòforum 2024
desde 17-06-2024 hasta 23-06-2024
Viale Aventino

The great event dedicated to food and wine excellence is back with a 21st edition hosted in the splendid setting of the

desde 17-06-2024 hasta 23-06-2024
Viale dei Gladiatori, 31

A unique and unmissable spectacle for all fans of a sport that attracts and entertains for its fast and exciting game and that has been the protagonist in recent years of explosive growth on a glob

Foto: Il lago dei cigni, Rebecca Bianchi e Michele Satriano, Ph. Yasuko Kageyama, Opera di Roma
desde 18-06-2024 hasta 27-06-2024
Piazza Beniamino Gigli, 7

The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma presents one of the most famous and roman

Simple Minds ph. Auditorium Parco della Musica Official Website
desde 27-06-2024 hasta 28-06-2024
Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 30

A thousand incarnations but a unique identity: the eclectic music pioneers return to the

La Fondazione Torlonia celebra i primi 10 anni di attività. Apertura dell'Antiquarium-Foto: Agostino Osio - Fondazione Torlonia
desde 28-03-2024 hasta 28-06-2024
Via Salaria, 92

The exhibition at the Torlonia Foundation celebrates the first 10 years of activity of this prestigious institution, with the inauguration of the Antiquarium, a sp

Giubileo 2025. Le vie della fede. Testimonianze d’arte e di pensiero-Foto: sito ufficiale di turismoroma
desde 23-01-2024 hasta 30-06-2024
Lungotevere Castello, 50

The exhibition Jubilee 2025. The paths of faith.

 HERIDA COMO LA NIEBLA POR EL SOL, 1987 - Copia de fotografía en blanco y negro pintada a mano con acuarela, impresión digital sobre papel de algodón Hahnemühle
desde 17-04-2024 hasta 07-07-2024
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The Museo di Roma in Trastevere hosts the first Italian solo exhibition o

Coppedè: et Lux in Tenebris-Foto: sito ufficiale della Galleria SpazioCima
desde 03-04-2024 hasta 12-07-2024
Via Ombrone, 9

To celebrate the centenary of the foundation of the Coppedè district, designed and built between 1915 and 1927

Nate Lowman, Irma, 2022, Olio e resina alchidica su lino, 228,6 × 320 cm
desde 14-04-2024 hasta 14-07-2024
Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13

The National Galleries of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barb

Oltre lo spazio, oltre il tempo. Il sogno di Ulisse Aldrovandi
desde 22-03-2024 hasta 21-07-2024
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 18

Born in Bologna, Ulisse Aldrovandi was one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of nature of the Italian Renaissance.

desde 24-04-2024 hasta 21-07-2024

In the mid-16th century, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese began to set up a splendid garden of delights inspired by the memory of the ancient Roman horti on the

Caracalla Festival 2024
desde 03-06-2024 hasta 10-08-2024
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52

The Caracalla Festival 2024, the summer programme of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, which takes place from 3 June to 10 August in the evocative soazi of the

Mario Testino Photograph by Philippe Kliot © Mario Testino
desde 25-05-2024 hasta 25-08-2024
Piazza Venezia, 5

"From the very beginning of this project I felt I should call it A Beautiful Worldbecause I was discovering new kinds of beauty in places I had never looked before...” Mario Testino

Filippo e Filippino Lippi. Ingegno e bizzarrie nell'arte del Rinascimento-Foto: sito ufficiale dei Musei Capitolini
desde 15-05-2024 hasta 25-08-2024
Via delle Tre Pile, 1

The exhibition Filippo and Filippino Lippi.

Giuseppe Primoli e il fascino dell'Oriente-Foto: sito ufficiale del Museo Napoleonico 
desde 15-03-2024 hasta 08-09-2024
Piazza di Ponte Umberto I, 1

Giuseppe Primoli and the charm of the East at the Napoleonic Museum is a thematic exhibition on

Van Gogh Experience ©NEXTEXHIBITION
desde 04-11-2023 hasta 08-09-2024
Corso d’Italia 37/d

An immersive experience in the universe and masterpieces of the brilliant Dutch painter: it is the first major multimedia exhibition of the

Louise Bourgeois UNTITLED (NO. 7) © The Easton Foundation/Licensed by SIAE, Italy and VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
desde 21-06-2024 hasta 15-09-2024
Piazzale del Museo Borghese, 5

Organized in collaboration with The Easton Foundation and the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medi

desde 22-05-2024 hasta 22-09-2024
Via dei Fori Imperiali

From 22 May to 22 September, Journeys through Ancient Rome – Foro di Cesare returns, the extraordinary multimedia show that tells the millennial s

desde 17-05-2024 hasta 06-10-2024
Piazza di Sant'Egidio, 1/b

The Museo di Roma in Trastevere hosts the first Italian retrospective of Angèle Etoundi Essamba

Aleksandra Kasuba, A Spectral Passage, 1975 - 2023 - ph. Giorgio Benni
desde 10-04-2024 hasta 20-10-2024
Via Guido Reni, 4 A

On the borderline between art, architecture and design, MAXXI

TEATRO. Autori attori maschere della scena antica-Foto: Mascera di attore di farsa fliacica, Taranto, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 
desde 21-05-2024 hasta 03-11-2024
Lungotevere in Augusta

The exhibition at the Ara Pacis Museum entitled THEATER.

desde 05-04-2024 hasta 31-12-2024
Via Nomentana, 70

Located below the Casino Nobile of Villa Torlonia,

desde 02-03-2024 hasta 06-01-2025
Via di Castel Romano, 200

Rome's Cinema and TV Amusement Park, Cinecittà World, returns, from Saturday 2 March<

Emotion. L’arte contemporanea racconta le Emozioni-Foto: locandina ufficiale della mostra
desde 29-11-2023 hasta 29-09-2025
Arco della Pace, 5

The exhibition. Emotion.

Statua colossale di Costantino
desde 06-02-2024 hasta 31-12-2025
Via delle Tre Pile, 1

Housed in the garden of Villa Caffarelli in the Capitoline Museums, you can a

La casa del sordo. Capriccio su Goya-Foto: Francesco Galli
Via Luigi Pierantoni, 6

Lo spettacolo al Teatro India, per la regia di Eugenio Barba, è ambientato a Bordeaux, nella casa di
