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Getting married in Rome

Getting married in Rome

Rome is the perfect choice for a romantic and refined wedding, enriched by a millenary history


With its monuments, palaces, fountains, squares, and streets, Rome tells a story, arouse emotions, inspires feelings and, above all, leaves indelible memories.

Every season is the right one to get married in this charming and wonderful city: Spring, with its trees in bloom and the firs warm, Summer, with its days full of sun and the city rich in events, Fall, with the gold and purple colors of the foliage along the river (lungotevere) and with its sunsets shaded of pink, and finally Winter, with streets glittering for celebration in a fairy Christmas atmosphere.

> Civil Ceremony
> Religious Wedding
Where to party

For the collection of documentation and its publication you may refer to the institutional information in compliance with the legislation of Roma Capitale on

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Students from around the world, unite!

Rome is the capital of beauty, culture and home to one of the most beautiful languages on the planet, Italian. This is the reason why many students opt for a shorter or longer stay in the city to attend courses on Italian language and culture.

One of the most prestigious schools is the Dante Alighieri, a society that was established in 1889, organising Italian language courses for foreigners and courses in culture. All their courses set a high standard and fully meet the requirements of those attending.

Rome also houses some of the most valuable archives in the country. The National Library  affords visitors the opportunity to consult books, newspapers and documents and take part in training courses, seminars, internships and volunteer programmes.

There are also several private schools offering Italian language courses for foreigners and a multitude of cultural events organised to help fully appreciate the city.

Finally the exhibitions, shows, shopping, typical and local restaurants not only help students enjoy themselves, but also create a unique link with our culture.

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The Informagiovani service in Rome Capital is directed at the younger generation between 14 and 35, and was established with the purpose of guiding, informing and providing updated information on the possibilities and choices available to young people.

What does the Younger Generation Service Centre offer:

  • qualified staff on hand to assist you in your search and selection of information on any subject that interests you: studying and training, career guidance, opportunities to work abroad, culture, entertainment and creativity for the young, volunteer work and the civil service, etc.;
  • specialised interviews providing guidance and support to implement your individual project;
  • notices on useful services at regional, national and European level;
  • availability of theme-based files and information material to consult;
  • details on content through informative/training sessions, seminars and cultural activities.

Additional services:

Eurodesk – Rome Capital Local Agency: this specialised information desk operating throughout Europe, provides information and guidance on the European programmes directed at youth in the fields of culture, training, mobility, active citizenship and volunteer work.
Informagiovani for schools: an information service dedicated to students in junior and senior high schools conducted by operators at the Institutes that apply for this. A contact form is available in the portal to apply for the service.

There are Youth Cards ["Carta Giovani"] available at the Centre. This card is valid in Italy and in 41 countries in Europe, making it possible for the user to enjoy discounts and benefits in every sector involving youth.  It is free for all residents and those domiciled in the Lazio Region, and anyone under 30 can apply for one.

The Informagiovani service has hosted meetings among the different cultural groups in Rome. Young people under 35 can benefit from discounts by collecting a coupon, giving them access to the theatre season, festivals and foreign language courses. The list is updated on an ongoing basis. To discover the latest updates, visit the page dedicated to Benefits and Discounts on the service portal.


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